The State of Gender Equality in the Travel and Hospitality Industry

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is an area of intense focus and scrutiny across the travel and hospital industry. Gender diversity, especially, is capturing attention because women represent a significant share of industry employees. A key industry theme is the challenges women face in obtaining promotions, earning the same salaries as men, and ascending into corporate leadership positions. Additional research capturing a broader base of the industry’s voice on gender equality and diversity in the workplace is needed to advance future progress. This report offers said research as well as potential solutions to the travel and hospitality industry’s gender equality and diversity challenges. Women Leading Travel & Hospitality4, NAPCO Research5, and the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration’s Center for Hospitality Research6 teamed up to conduct a workplace gender diversity study based on a wide sample of industry participants, across job levels. The survey-based study focused on the status of DEI efforts in the travel and hospitality industry to uncover the ways organizations are addressing gender equality, while providing a reference point to measure for future progress.
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