Textron develops maritime patrol Citation Longitude

The Cessna Citation Longitude is now capable of a new mission. Textron Aviation announced on Thursday that it has developed a maritime patrol variant of the jet aircraft.

Dubbed the Cessna Citation Longitude MPA, it is equipped with a transmissive belly radome for maritime radars, Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) fairing, Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) sensor lift, and optional Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible lighting.

The plane has an eight-hour maximum endurance with a 3,500 nautical mile maximum range.

In a statement, Textron said the Longitude MPA is “ideally suited for surveillance missions over land and water, conducting search and rescue, border patrol, fishery monitoring, and more.”

“The Cessna Citation Longitude jet provides an excellent value for Special Mission operations due to its acquisition cost and operation cost combined with excellent speed, range and payload capacity,” said Bob Gibbs, vice president of special mission sales for Textron Aviation. “Textron Aviation has developed and had certified factory provisions for various mission equipment supporting maritime patrol and surveillance missions, maximizing value for operations worldwide.”

RELATED STORY: Textron delivers special mission Cessna Citation Longitude to JCAB

Last month, Textron delivered a special mission Cessna Citation Longitude jet to the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) for flight inspection missions of the country’s national airspace. That order had been announced in November 2019 and delivery was originally scheduled for 2021.

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