Rising fuel costs could have lasting effects on flight training industry

Fuel prices around the world are rising at rates not seen in years, and flight schools are scrambling to adjust as inflation takes off.

The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) completed a survey of flight schools around the country, finding that 83% of flight training operators have had to increase their aircraft rates due to the rising cost of fuel.

Only 3% of respondents noted that they have not had to raise rates, but another 12% said they expect to [raise rates] soon.

How training facilities are implementing price increases is similar, with 51% of respondents utilizing a fuel surcharge per hour and 48% of respondents increasing the base aircraft rental rate per hour.

Survey results show that flight training cost increases are staying below $15 per hour of use for the majority of respondents. When asked how much of a price increase the operation has or plans to implement for single-engine aircraft, respondents said:

  • $0-$5 per hour of use – 15%
  • $6-$10 per hour of use – 38%
  • $11-$15 per hour of use – 27%
  • $16-$20 per hour of use – 10%
  • $21-$30 per hour of use – 3%
  • More than $30 per hour of use – 3%

The FSANA also asked for open-ended comments as part of the survey, finding multiple highlights on where the industry could be headed as fuel costs continue rising:

  • Many expect to have to increase prices more in the future.
  • The increase is starting to affect students’ ability to pay for training or train as frequently.
  • Fuel isn’t the only price increase being experienced — oil, parts, and lack of supplies to keep aircraft flying are also driving price increases.
  • There is no doubt that the variable costs affecting flight training providers will affect the prices that those seeking pilot training will incur.
  • As prices go up, it becomes more challenging for those seeking aviation careers to pay for the training they seek.

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