Pilot dies after hitting power lines and crashing into a Montana river

A pilot is dead after his Scoda Aeronautica Super Petrel LS hit power lines and crashed into the Flathead River in Sanders County, Montana Sunday morning. A water rescue team was able to remove the pilot from the aircraft, but he later died.

According to a Sanders County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post, the office received the report of a plane crash around 8:45 Sunday morning. The plane was reportedly located east of the Perma bridge, in the Flathead River.

A Good Samaritan swam out to the plane to help the pilot before the Plains – Paradise rural fire district water rescue team arrived on the scene. The rescue team removed the occupant of the plane and rescued him and the Good Samaritan. The EMS provided medical treatment for both. The pilot was flown to the hospital, where he later died.

The Sheriff’s Office determined that the crash occurred after the plane struck power lines.

Personnel from Sanders County Sheriff’s Office, Tribal Law Enforcement, Tribal Fish Wildlife and Game, Plains-Paradise Rural Fire District, Plains Community Ambulance, Hot Springs Fire and EMS, Dixon QRU, Mission Valley Power, Montana State Fish Wildlife and Parks responded.

The plane was registered to Rick Stapleton of Missoula, Montana.

The crash is under investigation by the NTSB.

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