Duncan Aviation Welcomes Mazzani as New Business Development Coordinator

LINCOLN, NB – In late May, Duncan Aviation welcomed Bruno Mazzani as its New Business Development Coordinator for the company’s satellite network.
In this new position, Mazzani will manage Satellite-specific diversification and growth, and he’ll be responsible for vendor partner certification projects, long-term strategic business development opportunities, and continuous improvement initiatives throughout the Duncan Aviation satellite network.
While assessing each Satellite Shop, Mazzani will determine if customers would benefit from increased services such as battery work, limited airframe capabilities, and tool calibration services, which currently exist at some but not all Duncan Aviation Satellite Shops.
He’ll also work with outside engineering firms and vendors to determine the feasibility of collaboration among vendors, firms, and Duncan Aviation Satellites. For instance, last year, the Duncan Aviation Satellite Shop in Denver, Colorado, collaborated with BendixKing, a customer in Seattle, Washington, and an engineering firm in Denver to develop an Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) to install the BendixKing AeroCruze 1000 Autopilot in Mooney M20-series aircraft.
“Bruno will work with vendors and other potential partners to see what kind of market exists to develop STCs for aircraft, such as turboprops, recips (reciprocating engine), helicopters, etc., that we typically still see at many of our Satellite Shops,” says Manager of Satellite Operations Matt Nelson.
Another important aspect of Mazzani’s role is listening to customers in areas where Duncan Aviation does not currently have a presence. Research and information from these meetings will help Duncan Aviation’s Senior Management Team and Nelson determine where additional Satellites could be established.
Born in Maracay in Venezuela, Mazzani earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and while working for a company that imported and exported auto parts, Mazzani earned his Master’s Degree in Business Marketing. As the political, economic, and social situation in Venezuela deteriorated, Mazzani and his wife Ligia Rodrigues moved to the United States in 2017, and he went to work as an Automotive Engineer for a company in Smyrna, Georgia.
In the fall of 2021, Mazzani and Ligia welcomed their daughter Valeria.
“She has filled our hearts with happiness since the first minutes,” says Mazzani. “Together with our dog Otto who traveled with us from Venezuela, we moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, in May. I expect to be visiting Duncan Aviation Satellite Shops starting in June and look forward to meeting customers and team members throughout the enterprise.”
Name: Lori Johnson
, Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager
Company: Duncan Aviation
Website: https://www.duncanaviation.aero
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402.479.1518
©2022 GlobalAir.com, Lori Johnson. All rights reserved.
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