Beating the heat – how much does it cost to use an electric fan? | UK News

The thought of how much it would cost to power a floor fan during the energy price crisis might be enough to bring anyone out in a cold sweat.

However, advice by on how to cost-effectively cool your house during the heatwave will come as some comfort.

Research has shown that the average 110kw floor fan uses 2p of energy an hour, or 40p a day if it is on for 20 hours.

This would only add £12 a month to your bill.

UK currently hotter than 98.8% of the planet – heatwave latest

An air conditioning unit is the most expensive way of beating the heat. It will use 23p an hour, or £4.60 a day.

This will hit you with an energy bill that is £138 bigger than usual.

Ceiling fans are not common in the UK, but they are extremely economical, using just 6p per day or £1.80 worth of energy per month.

If you do not have a fan, you can keep your house cool by being tactical about how you use your windows.

Open your windows and keep the blinds open in the morning and evening when it is cool (keep windows open all night too if it’s safe to do so) and keep the hot air and sunlight out during the heat of the day.

Earlier on Tuesday a temperature of 40.2C (104.3F) was recorded at Heathrow Airport – a new all-time UK record.

How to stay safe in the heat – official advice

Keep out of the sun between 11am and 3pm and avoid physical exertion

Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol

Close curtains in rooms that face the sun

Never leave anyone in a parked car – and check in on elderly and vulnerable neighbours

Walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat

Check medicines can be stored according to instructions – and check that your fridges, freezers and fans are working properly

Explainer: Heat exhaustion and heatstroke – what are the signs and symptoms and what’s the difference?

In Charlwood, Surrey, the mercury hit 39.1C (102.3F) – breaking the previous record of 38.7C (101.7F) set in 2019 at Cambridge Botanic Garden.

The night-time record was broken overnight, as Kenley in Surrey hit 25.8C (78.4F), while Kew Gardens and Heathrow surpassed the previous temperature record by noon on Tuesday, recording temperatures of 38.8C (101.8F).

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