Avoid Sales “CRM Overwhelm”: Focus On The Three Most Important Things Your Sales Tracking Tech Should Do

As I make the rounds conducting hotel sales training, I am afforded the opportunity to peek into how hotel group and event salespeople are using a wide variety of what I collectively call “Sales CRMs.” This is because as part of our pre-training assessment, I get to preview the clients’ sales tech, and when time allows, we have participants do workshop activities in their sales CRMs.

As a result, I have seen more if not all of the sales CRM systems offered (or endorsed) by top-tier brands, including legacy systems that have been “rolled up” by tech conglomerates.

Additionally, having started in the hotel training field in my late twenties, I have seen hotel lead processes evolve from manual filing systems through LAN-based CRMs like ACT and Goldmine, and into the current era of cloud-based CRMs.

Ironically though, when I ask salespeople to show me how they trace leads, I find that most are using a patchwork system that is – at best – a hybrid and often completely manual.

  • Plenty of salespeople still work through a stack of paper lead sheets with notes scribbled on them, such as a printout of the original inbound email or in-app “platform” RFP.
  • Some try to manage leads by moving them into Outlook email folders, by using calendar tasks, or by flagging messages.
  • Some use Post-it notes stuck on their desktop or in a calendar book.
  • A few still use a manual “hot lead” list on a notepad or whiteboard on the wall in their office.
  • An alarming number have no system whatsoever. They simply reply to initial inbound leads and do not follow up. If they prospect at all, it is generally a one-touch method of sending a generic email or making a phone call to appease an old-school boss who demands “Give me 100 prospecting calls a month or no bonus!”

Now, most salespeople do use their hotel-specific CRMs daily, but mostly to block the inventory of meeting space and rooms.

In all fairness, I completely get why so many underutilize their sales tech. The developers of these systems have made them so complex that the basic, most important functions have gotten buried. It’s almost like the tech companies have tried to out-feature one another. In all fairness to the tech companies, whoever was the “systems administrator” in charge of set-up on the client (hotel) side may have done a poor job customizing the default programming options.

As a result, too many salespeople do not want to even open their “task list” or “lead stream” because there will be so many alerts, pop-ups, or other “overdue” task indicators that it gives them angst.

Whether you are shopping for a new sales CRM or trying to improve your team’s use of the one you already have, you will certainly want to ensure your system covers the very basics which most do these days. It should be easy to import contact details and RFPs from primary sources and to drop these into templates that can be sent in both PDF format and by way of a link to an online proposal. Of course, you’ll want it to easily integrate with your PMS system to block rooms and meeting space.

Most importantly, however, your sales CRM needs to make it easy for salespeople to complete these tasks every day:

  • Step 1:
    • Easily access all correspondence from a single contact record, such as notes from phone conversations and text message exchanges, email correspondence (ideally, linking all emails sent and received to the record), and documents that were sent or received.
    • Having these details “at a glance” makes it much easier to quickly scan previous correspondence to find details that can be used to personalize correspondence.
    • Lacking quick access to these details, salespeople are limited to generic messaging in voicemails, emails, and in-app messages (such as in CVENT, CVB/DMO portals, or The Knot) such as “Hello Doug. I’m just following up on your inquiry. Let us know if you have any questions.” On the other hand, with quick access, they can say “Hello Doug! I know you have a meeting coming up tomorrow to review the proposals with your colleagues for this awards banquet. Since it’s the first time being held in our city, and your first time planning it, I wanted to see what else I can do on our end to secure your business.”
  • Step 2:
    • Make it easy to personalize proposal templates, whether it’s a PDF or online proposal. Virtually all sales CRMs allow for the creation of a menu of proposal templates. Yet too often salespeople are sending out generic documents or “online proposals.” In some cases, it may be that the CRM does not make it easy to personalize these details, but more often than not I see that it is a case of salespeople either not knowing how to do this or not realizing how important it is. When you talk to those on the buyer’s side, they often complain about proposals that take way too long to sort through. For example, when a planner is looking for a one-day meeting of local participants, don’t include all the information about the guest rooms and hotel services. Or if a planner is looking only for rooms, don’t put in the banquet menus and meeting space floor plans.
    • In addition, the CRM should make it easy to delete images that are not relevant, add candid photos specific to the planner’s situation, and drop in the client logo.
  • Step 3:
    • Trace the next step on a sale lead stream or task list. Until a deal is won or lost, the next step should always rest with the salesperson. The life of a lead might include several tasks such as: setting up a Zoom meeting to discover details, following up to ensure receipt of the proposal/ contract (making sure it did not go to spam), following up to see what initial questions there are before the date of final decision, and following up on their final decision date. If the deal is won, add a task list reminder to ask for referrals and for recurring business and, if applicable, retrace the lead for next year’s event.
    • Salespeople who have to service and detail their own bookings will of course have many more tasks to trace, which is all the more reason why the lead stream/task sheet needs to be clean.
    • Speaking of task lists, the CRM should make it easy for the salesperson to delete “auto-tasks” that are not relevant.

Once again, when peeking into sales CRMs as part of our pre-training sales assessments, I see that all systems allow for these tasks. However, the systems administrator, nudged along by the DOS, probably has some work to do to reconfigure user-defined options. If your company is looking at changing systems, my suggestion is to look for simplicity and above all vet out onboarding training and ongoing support.

Doug Kennedy
Kennedy Training Network (KTN)

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