Let’s Play 20 Customer Experience (CX) Questions – Part One

Let’s play 20 Questions. Luke Jamieson, a customer experience (CX) thought leader in Australia, asked me to answer 20 customer experience questions in a “lightning round” style for one of his projects. As I considered my answers, I realized that the subscribers to my newsletter and videos would also enjoy them. There is a lot here, so I’m breaking it into two parts. So, let’s get right into it:
- In five words or less, what does CX mean to you? EVERY interaction your customers experience. (Five words are not easy!)
- What is your CX prediction in 2025? Based on the experiences customers have with the best customer-focused brands, they continue to get smarter about CX and will demand more from you. So be ready.
What CX lesson did you learn from a TV show? I love the Seinfeld episode where Jerry tells the rental car employee,
You can take the reservation. You just can’t hold the reservation. And that’s really the most important part of the reservation.
The lesson is to honor your promises to customers – or else they may make fun of you on national TV. - What is the most innovative thing you’ve done or seen in CX? AI is the obvious answer, so here’s a different one. I love the life-size holograms of people who greet and help airport customers. It’s a little bit of Disney-style magic in our daily lives.
- How do you know when a CX strategy is working? Low churn, repeat customers, referrals from happy customers, and more spending per interaction.
- If you could take a CX apprentice under your wing, who would it be? Anybody in high school. Teach them young, and they will have this powerful skill and mindset for the rest of their lives.
What’s the weirdest complaint you’ve ever heard? I’ve heard a lot, but let’s go with the complaint that is often attributed to baseball legend Yogi Berra, who once said about a restaurant,
Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.
- What is your CX secret ingredient? Convenience! All things being equal, the company with the easiest experience will win.
What’s the first thing you think about when designing a new CX strategy? The customer. Start with the end in mind! Ask,
What do we want the customer to experience?
and work backward from there. - If CX were a sport, what position would you play and why? I’d play center on a hockey team. The center’s job is to play offense and score and then get back and help on defense. That’s sales and service combined!
There you go. The first 10 answers to some important and sometimes fun questions. Tune in next week for the next 10 questions.
Shep Hyken is a customer service/CX expert, award-winning keynote speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. Learn more about Shep’s customer service and customer experience keynote speeches and his customer service training workshops at www.Hyken.com. Connect with Shep on LinkedIn.
Shep Hyken
Shepard Presentations, LLC.
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