What ChatGPT Means for Marketing in the Travel Industry in 2023

Today, we’re talking about everyone’s favorite new small-talk tidbit: ChatGPT. Whether you’re an avid user or answer with a determined “no” when someone asks you if you’ve tried it, there’s no denying the buzz it’s created — especially with marketing.

Will it eliminate the need for copywriters? Will it change the way we create content? And when it comes to the travel industry in particular, will it allow us to create a better guest experience?

Though we wish we had a crystal ball full of answers, the truth is, ChatGPT does have the power to change the way travel and hospitality-based companies operate. However, this doesn’t mean it’s time to panic. In fact, at Be Found Online, we’re optimistic about how the travel industry can use ChatGPT to its advantage.

So instead of doom-scrolling and worrying about the impact ChatGPT could have on your brand, we’re here to provide insight into the matter (because we’ve seen marketing change quite a bit over the past 14 years we’ve been in business).

If you’re wondering what this AI tool really means for marketing in the travel industry in 2023, here’s our two cents.

It’s a great starting point…

Now, you won’t hear us saying anything along the lines of, “ChatGPT is terrible! It could never change the way we market our businesses!” Instead, we’ll openly admit that this AI tool is an excellent way to lay the foundation for your marketing.

A quick example: You’re a hotel chain aiming to publish three new blog posts weekly. Do we recommend ChatGPT write an entire blog for you? No, we don’t (and we’ll get to the why later). But, you might use this tool to outline a blog post on which you then put your brand’s spin.

ChatGPT makes the content creation process easier, not because it takes over entirely, but because it allows travel and hospitality brands to brainstorm ideas and get started. So when you’re stuck on what your audience might be looking for inside your next blog, turn to ChatGPT to get your creative juices flowing.

…but it can’t become your brand

Though this tool might change how we create content, one flaw will prevent it from taking over your marketing strategy entirely: its lack of humanity.

Seriously. It’s a computer. And a computer doesn’t speak in your brand’s tone of voice. It doesn’t fact-check, and it doesn’t embody your personality.

It can generate ideas quickly, but it can’t become your brand — and that’s exactly what allows you to connect with your audience. When you play on different emotions, whether aiming to inspire or entertain, you can relate to your consumers on a deeper level (and encourage them to take action). ChatGPT is a practical tool, but it can’t actually take your marketing to a place that will skyrocket your growth (that’s all you!).

This industry thrives on experiences

The travel industry is unique because it uses experiential marketing to generate leads. And ChatGPT? It’s not experience-based.

When marketing something in the travel industry, you focus on the experience you provide. Therefore, you need adjectives, qualifiers, and imagery to paint a picture — three things ChatGPT can’t quite do.

A solid marketing strategy involves storytelling, convincing consumers to take action based on that feeling in their gut. And unfortunately, you’ll have difficulty selling something while solely relying on the language taken from ChatGPT. It’s tough for a computer to sell a life-altering experience.

Reminder: You’re already using AI tools

Quick reminder: ChatGPT might be the star of the current show, but it’s not the only AI tool on the block. The travel industry already relies on dozens of different AI tools to operate. For example, people can visit booking.com and book a hotel without interacting with a real person. Travelers can score flight deals on Skyscanner with a few clicks of a computer mouse.

But despite these tools, our marketing strategy remains — we still need to tell stories, get into the minds of our consumers, and tap into their emotions. We need to highlight what makes our brand unique, and ChatGPT isn’t all-knowing.

Yes, it’s a new form of AI, but this technology already exists in the travel and hospitality industry. And the fact that we’re operating in an experience-based industry means we must add a human element to all our marketing materials. If we don’t, they’ll fall flat (because we have to say, the conversations we’ve had with a robot aren’t typically exciting).

So here’s how you can use ChatGPT to your advantage

At this point, you might be thinking, “Awesome. ChatGPT is a tool I can use for marketing, but I don’t need to excavate my strategy from top to bottom.”

But you may also wonder how to use this tool to become a better marketer. Our recommendation? Use ChatGPT to start gathering ideas. The next time you sit down to nurture your email list, ask ChatGPT to create a list of topics for you.

Example: You’re working for Hilton with a location in Naples, Florida, and you’re looking to market your hotel to retirees. You can use ChatGPT to search for “things seniors like to do in Naples, Florida.” Spoiler alert, here’s what it comes up with:

“Naples, Florida is a popular retirement destination and offers a wide range of activities that seniors enjoy. Here are some things that seniors like to do in Naples, Florida:

Golfing: Naples is known for its world-class golf courses and seniors enjoy spending their days on the greens. There are many courses to choose from, including Tiburon Golf Club and Naples Grande Golf Club.

Beaches: Naples has miles of beautiful beaches, including Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach, where seniors can relax, swim, or go for a walk.

Shopping: Naples is home to several high-end shopping destinations, including Fifth Avenue South and Waterside Shops, where seniors can shop for luxury items and enjoy the upscale atmosphere.

Cultural activities: Naples has a thriving arts and culture scene, with a variety of museums, galleries, and theaters. The Naples Art Association, the Naples Players, and the Philharmonic Center for the Arts are all popular among seniors.

Nature walks: Naples is surrounded by natural beauty, including the Everglades and Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Seniors enjoy going on nature walks and exploring the local wildlife and ecosystems.

Dining: Naples is known for its diverse culinary scene, with many high-end restaurants and bistros. Seniors enjoy trying new restaurants and sampling different cuisines.

Boating: Naples is located on the Gulf of Mexico and offers a variety of boating options. Seniors can take a leisurely cruise or go fishing in the Gulf.

These are just a few examples of things that seniors like to do in Naples, Florida. The city offers a wide range of activities that cater to seniors, making it a popular destination for retirement.”

Just like that, you have a fantastic base for a value-based email or blog. All you need to do is add details, insert your voice and tone, and weave your brand into the article. ChatGPT is a great way for your travel brand to:

  • Conduct market research
  • Create content outlines
  • Come up with email subject lines

And more. So don’t be afraid to start using it to your advantage.

The future of marketing in the travel industry

Both marketing and the travel industry have survived market crashes, a global pandemic, and the rise of AI copywriting tools like Jasper — so we’re confident it’ll survive this ChatGPT frenzy as well. Though this tool might remove some of the heavy liftings of your marketing efforts (just like tools such as Photoshop and Canva have replaced some design work), it’s not signaling the end of marketing as we know it.

Use ChatGPT to lay the foundation of your marketing, but remember to amplify that human element. The travel industry is experience-focused, so let your experience set you apart. With new tech tools taking the industry by storm, we’ll soon be able to tell which brands rely a little too much on their computers and which brands put their unique selling points at the forefront of their efforts. We might be biased, but we think you should be the latter.

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