Pilot raises money for Fly for the Cure with fourth circumnavigation in a Cessna 210

Photo Source: Fly For the Cure

In the support of the Alzheimer’s Association, retired dentist and avid adventurer Ed Galkin completed his fourth circumnavigation in his Cessna 210. The trip was meant to raise money for Fly for the Cure.  Galkin started his trip on Sept. 18 and originally planned to return on Nov. 18. Instead, he landed early on Nov. 4. This is Galkin’s third trip for the cure, and according to a Westchester news story, Galkin flies for his late brother who died of the disease in 2016.

Galkin has made three trips prior in 1988, 2004 and 2018. His 2004 and 2018 trips were also for charitable causes. Galkin raised over $60,000 in 2004 and 2018 and his goal for the 2022 trip was to raise $50,000 for the cure. Galkin bought his Cessna 210 Centurion in 1977 and has acquired over 6,000 hours of flying time and four around-the-world trips after this latest journey. 

Galkin and his co-pilot, Zvi Mosery, started their trip in Manville, New Jersey and ended in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The journey included stops in Italy, Greece, Abu Dhabi, Australia and Fiji. The longest leg of the trip was about 2,500 statute miles from Pago Pago, Somoa to Hilo, Hawaii. Galkin and Mosery stayed at each destination along the way to rest as well as for routine maintenance on the plane.

The trip was relatively smooth despite a short delay in Sardinia as the main tire blew out as they were departing to Crete and the hassle of customs and immigration and security at every stop. The journey was even completed sooner than anticipated, ending in Oklahoma City on Nov. 4 rather than the originally planned Nov. 18 finale.

Galkin removed seats three through six in the aircraft to give them a range of over 2,800 statute miles. Other preparation included an HF radio for overwater communications, navigation charts, insurance, immunization vaccines and survival equipment.

The trip was documented on the Fly for the Cure website with blog posts at every stop and multiple websites tracking the journey. The itinerary for the trip was documented thoroughly with departing dates, destinations to and from, miles traveled, hours and fuel required. 

While this may be the last circumnavigation for Galkin, he continues to raise awareness for the cause through his love of aviation. Galkin and co-pilot Mosery are still raising money for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Learn more about the trip or the Fly for the Cure cause on their website.


Name: Haley Davoren
, Digital Content Manager
Company: Global Air   

Website: http://globalair.com

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