Garmin G5000 integrated flight deck to receive EASA approval for Cessna Citation Excel and Citation XLS aircraft

EASA approval for the Garmin G5000 flight deck for the Cessna Citation Excel and Citation XLS aircraft is imminent, according to a statement from Garmin International, Inc. The G5000 integrated avionics suite modernizes the cockpit with additional capabilities, significantly reduces operational costs and increases situational awareness of the flight crew.

“Working alongside EASA, we are thrilled to bring this complete flight deck solution to the European market and further expand the G5000 upgrade program for the Citation Excel and Citation XLS fleet,” said Carl Wolf, Garmin vice president of aviation sales and marketing. “Since the program certification three years ago, well over 100 Excel and XLS aircraft have committed to upgrading with G5000, including aircraft from charter and fractional provider flyExclusive. We are gratified with the success thus far and look forward to continuing along that steady growth path following the EASA certification.”

With the G5000, pilots can simultaneously view maps, charts, checklists, TAWS, TCAS, flight plan information, weather and more.

The G5000 integrated flight deck for the Citation Excel/XLS features three landscape-oriented flight displays with split-screen capability Electronic charts and Garmin SafeTaxi® airport diagrams are geo-referenced and can be viewed across all three displays.

The pilot interface incorporates intuitive touchscreen controllers and allows for ease of operation and seamless transition between various pages.

Installation of the G5000 on the Citation Excel/XLS includes a fully digital Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS), offering precise performance throughout the aircraft’s flight envelope.

The system also includes Emergency Descent Mode (EDM) as a standard feature that can be enabled by the autopilot in the event of a loss in aircraft pressurization.

Underspeed protection (USP) is an optional feature that allows the autopilot to assist with airspeed management, while also enabling fully coupled go-arounds, greatly reducing pilot workload.

The G5000 upgrade for the Citation Excel/XLS comes with a fully integrated Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out solution that’s FAA and EASA rule-compliant.

Additionally, operators gain access to more airports and lower approach minimums throughout the world as the G5000 has PBN/RNP 0.3 with LPV/APV approach capability.

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